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Pete Brown's Blog (POKE 53280,0)

Pete Brown writes on a variety of topics from XAML with the Windows Runtime (WinRT), .NET programming using C#, WPF, Microcontroller programming with .NET Microframework, .NET Gadgeteer, Windows on Devices, and even plain old C, to raising two children in the suburbs of Maryland, woodworking, CNC and generally "making physical stuff". Oh, and Pete loves retro technology, especially Commodore (C64 and C128). If the content interests you, please subscribe using the subscription link to the right of every page.

Archive for tag: Backup

  • The Great Migration (or why I’m not interested in playing home IT guy anymore)

    This is the story of how I moved my infrastructure out of my house and into the hands of people who do this for a living. In addition to six laptops (two for me, one for my wife, one for each kid, one for my CNC machine) several PCs, and countless other connected screens (tablets, phone, game consoles, smart tv, STB, blu ray player, and more), I actively run three rack servers. One is...

  • Back up your Site/Blog by Crawling it with HTTrack

    If you’re on twitter or otherwise follow Codinghorror, you know he suffered a complete loss of his blog. My site and blog both have nightly database backups, but I’ve never tried to restore them, so they’re untested and therefore only slightly better than useless. I also get concerned sometimes that those backups are of a really old blogging engine’s data, an engine I’d never use again if I we...